Here we will discuss about word and syllable in details. To learn about WORD & SYLLABLE is very important for reading, spelling, and pronunciation. So let's start.
- by the author
10/17/20243 min read

Definition of word:
A letter or a group of letters having a clear meaning or sense is called a word. Generally consonants take vowels to make words.
Different kinds of words:
(A) One-lettered word:
only one vowel makes a word . such as A, I, O.
(B) Two-lettered word:
Only one vowel and one consonant make meaningful words like – an, do, to, it, on etc.
(C) Three-lettered word:
one vowel and two consonants make meaningful words like
cat, boy, ant, etc.
(D) Four-lettered word:
bird, deer, cock etc.
(E) Five- lettered word:
mango, house, table, etc.
(F) More than five-lettered word:
morning, knowledge, education etc.
What is a syllable?
A syllable is a part of a word that contains a single vowel sound and that is pronounced as a unit. So, for example, ' book' has one syllable, and ' father' has two syllables.
We can also say that syllable is a word or part of a word pronounced with a single, uninterrupted sound of the voice.
Types of Syllable:
Syllables are of five kinds. They are-
(A) Mono-syllable:
There is only one syllable in a word.
Examples: ball, rose, dog etc.
(B) Di-syllable:
There are only two syllables in a word.
Examples: doc-tor tea-cher ti-ger etc. (C) Tri-syllable:
There are only three syllables in a word.
Examples: hos-pi-tal com-pu-ter etc.
(D) Tetra-syllable:
There are only four syllables in a word.
Examples: te-le-vi-sion pho-to-gra-phy
(E) Poly-syllable:
There are more than four syllables in a word.
Examples: ex-tra-or-di-na-ry,
Si-mul-ta-ne-ous-ly etc.
Based on the numbers of syllable in a word, words are also of five kinds:
(A) Mono-syllabic words
(B) Di-syllabic words
(C) Tri-syllabic words
(D) Tetra-syllabic words
(E) Poly-syllabic words

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